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high score patterns in academic english writing essay

出于严谨性考虑,学术写作通常会使用Hedging language(模糊语),避免语气过于绝对。合理使用模糊限制语不仅能用谦和礼貌的方式表达见解,还能体现科学严谨的态度,避免语言过于肯定、武断。以下高分句型快快收下吧~

Devices that distance the author from a proposition


  • It is thought that ...

  • It is believed that ...

  • It has been reported that ...

  • It is a widely held view that ...

  • It has commonly been assumed that ...

  • According to Liu (2002), ...

  • According to recent reports, ...

  • According to many in the field.油

  • Many scholars hold the view that ...

  • Liu (2001) holds the view that ...

  • Recent research has suggested that .

  • There is some evidence to suggest that

  • If Liu's (2001) findings are accurate,

Being cautious when giving explanations


  • XX may / could / might be ....

  • It may / could/ might be...

  • It is likely / probable / possible

  • A likely / probable / possible explanation is that.

Being cautious when explaining results


  • This inconsistency may be due to ...

  • This discrepancy could be attributed to ...

  • A possible explanation for this might be that ...

  • This rather contradictory result may be due to ...

  • It seems possible that these results are due to ...

  • The observed increase in X could be attributed to ...

  • The possible interference of X cannot be ruled out ...

  • There are several possible explanations for this result

  • There are two likely causes for the differences between

  • A possible explanation for these results may be the lack of adequate ...

  • Since this difference has not been found elsewhere it is probably not due to.

Interpretation of results (Discussing Findings)


  • These findings cannot be extrapolated to all patients.

  • These data must be interpreted with caution because

  • These results therefore need to be interpreted with caution.

  • These results do not rule out the influence of other factors in ...

  • This account must be approached with some caution because

  • It is important to bear in mind the possible bias in these

  • responses.

  • Although exclusion of X did not ..., these results should be interpreted with caution.

  • However, with a small sample size, caution must be applied, as

  • the findings might not be...

Being cautious when discussing implications


  • The findings of this study suggest that ...

  • One possible implication of this is that ...

  • Taken together, these results suggest that...

  • The evidence from this study suggests that ...

  • Initial observations suggest that there may be a link between ...

  • The data reported here appear to support the assumption

  • that ...

  • The findings from these studies suggest that X can have an effect on ...

Being cautious when discussing recommendations


  • Strategies to enhance X might involve ...

  • Other types of response could include: a), b). ...

  • These results would seem to suggest that the ...

  • There would therefore seem to be a definite need for ...

  • A reasonable approach to tackle this issue could be to ...

  • Another possible area of future research would be to

  • investigate why ...

Being cautious when writing about the future


  • It is likely that ... will...

  • It is possible that ... will...

  • It is almost certain that ... will...

  • There is a possibility that ... will...

  • There is a small chance that ... will...

  • There is a strong possibility that ... will...

  • ... may..

  • ... could ...

  • ... might ...

  • ... is likely to ...

  • ...will probably ...

  • ...will almost certainly ...

Devices for avoiding over-generalisation

  • (可用于概括或归纳)

  • In general, this requires...

  • In general terms, this means ...

  • X is generally assumed to play a role in ...

  • Authors generally place an emphasis on ...

  • Generally accepted methods for X include:Studies which show no effect are not generally published.

  • Quantitative research is generally associated with the positivist paradigm.

  • 主语+ often /generally /frequently /sometimes /occasionally/nearly /always ...+动词 +其他

  • 主语+ are/is+形容词+to +most /almost all /some types of/many types of /the majority of/certain types of +...

  • 主语+ tends to +动词 +其他.

  • There is a tendency for+主语+ to+动词+其他

