一、Research Proposal的基本结构
1. 标题(Title)
2. 摘要(Abstract)
3. 研究背景与问题陈述(Introduction and Research Question)
4. 文献综述(Literature Review) 文献综述需要总结和分析与研究主题相关的现有研究,以突出研究的独特性和创新性。例如: "Previous studies have explored the general effects of digital marketing, but limited research has focused specifically on emerging markets. This study will fill this gap by examining how these strategies influence consumer behavior in these rapidly evolving regions." (先前的研究探讨了数字营销的普遍影响,但针对新兴市场的研究较为有限。本研究将通过考察这些策略如何影响这些快速发展的地区的消费者行为来填补这一空白。)
5. 研究方法(Research Methodology) 这一部分应详细说明研究将采用的方法,包括数据收集和分析的具体步骤。例如: "The research will adopt a mixed-methods approach, starting with a quantitative survey distributed to 500 participants, followed by in-depth qualitative interviews with 20 selected respondents." (本研究将采用混合方法,首先向500名参与者发放量化问卷,然后对20名选定的受访者进行深入的质性访谈。)
6. 预期结果与研究贡献(Expected Results and Contributions) 在这一部分,描述你预计会得到的结果,以及这些结果可能对学术界或实践领域的贡献。例如: "It is expected that the study will reveal a strong correlation between digital marketing strategies and consumer engagement, particularly in the context of social media. These findings could provide valuable insights for businesses operating in emerging markets." (预计本研究将揭示数字营销策略与消费者参与度之间的强相关性,特别是在社交媒体的背景下。这些发现可能为在新兴市场运营的企业提供宝贵的见解。)
7. 时间表与预算(Timeline and Budget) 时间表应详细列出研究的各个阶段及其预期完成时间,而预算部分则需说明研究所需的资源和费用。例如: "The research is expected to be completed within 12 months, with a total budget of $10,000, primarily allocated to data collection and analysis." (预计研究将在12个月内完成,总预算为1万美元,主要用于数据收集和分析。)