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Dear Professor,


I can't submit the assignment on time due to urgent issues. I need more time and am very sorry for the inconvenience. Could you please grant me an extension? Thank you.



[Your Name]





Dear Professor [Professor's Last Name],


I hope you are doing well. My name is [Your Full Name], and I am in your [Course Title] class, scheduled on [Class Days/Time].


I am writing to request an extension for the [Assignment Name] due on May 4th. I have encountered an unexpected family emergency, specifically [brief description of the emergency], which has significantly impacted my ability to work on the assignment.


To demonstrate my progress and commitment to the coursework, I am including my assignment outline and the draft I have completed to date. These documents should provide a clear indication of my efforts and the content direction.


Given these circumstances, I am requesting an extension of [number of days/weeks] days/weeks, proposing a new submission date of [New Due Date]. I believe this additional time will allow me to deliver work that reflects my true capabilities and aligns with the course's academic standards.


I understand the importance of adhering to the course schedule and I am willing to discuss any necessary accommodations or make up any missed work. Your understanding and support would be greatly appreciated.


Thank you for considering my request. I am looking forward to your response.


Warm regards,

[Your Full Name]