P: Passed assessment
F: Failed assessment
X: Absent from assessment without good cause
A: Accepted extenuating circumstances that have not been remedied against the assessment
B: Accepted extenuating circumstances relating to a protected characteristics that has not been remedied against the assessment
UA: Academic Misconduct upheld against the assessment
UM: Academic Misconduct upheld against the module
XW: Withdrawn from the programme of study
I: Interruption of Study
T: Transferred Programme
OA: Oustanding Result
D: Assessment affected by Industrial Action
Z: Not successful in formative assessment
DR.D的产品在劝退和退学方面拥有显著的优势,为学生提供了全面而贴心的支持。首先,DR.D的劝退 appeal和留学 申诉服务帮助学生理清思路,提供专业意见,使他们能够更好地应对劝退的困境。这一服务不仅仅是提供简单的建议,更是一种个性化的辅导,旨在帮助学生认清问题的根本,并找到解决之道。