✍️ 研究背景介绍
既有研究内容:"Most research on [topic] has been carried out in [context]..."
过去工作成果:"Data from several studies suggest that..."
✍️ 问题与重要性阐释
研究存在问题:"Previous studies of [topic] have not dealt with..."
研究问题提出:"In the present study, the issue under [topic] is..."
问题重要性:"Understanding [topic] is fundamental to..."
个人主张:"In this paper, I put forward the claim that..."
论证:"There seems to be no compelling reason to argue that..."
✍️ 实验数据与结果
实验数据描述:"A closer look at the data indicates that..."
正向结果:"Further analysis showed that..."
负面结果:"No significant differences were found between..."
✍️ 结论与贡献
写作动机与目的:"This study set out to..."
研究结果总结:"This study has identified..."
贡献强调:"This thesis has provided a deeper insight into..."
Tips: 使用这些句式时,确保根据具体内容适当调整,以符合你论文的主题和逻辑。记住,好的句式能够为你的论证增添说服力,使读者更易接受你的观点。