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1. Research background & aims(研究背景与目标):


Against the background of [research context], this study aims to investigate [1) xxx, 2) yyy, and 3) zzz].

Example: Against the background of increasing environmental pollution and its impact on public health(在不断增加的环境污染及其对公共健康的影响背景下), this study aims to investigate 1) the sources of air pollution(空气污染的来源), 2) the effects of water contamination(水污染的影响), and 3) the measures to mitigate soil degradation(减轻土壤退化的措施).

2. Theoretical basis (optional)(理论基础-可选):


Theoretical insights from [aaa] and [bbb] are synthesized in the context of [coc], based on which a conceptual framework is proposed.

Example: Theoretical insights from ecological economics and sustainable development(生态经济学和可持续发展的理论洞察) are synthesized in the context of urban planning(在城市规划的背景下), based on which a conceptual framework for sustainable urban development is proposed(提出了一个可持续城市发展的概念框架).

3. Method(方法):


Data collection was conducted using [XXX], and the data were analyzed using [XXX].

Example: Data collection was conducted using surveys and interviews(采用调查和访谈进行数据收集), and the data were analyzed using qualitative content analysis(采用定性内容分析进行数据分析).

4. Findings(发现):


It is found that [main findings]. Furthermore, our findings also suggest that [highlighted findings]. In addition, it is interesting to note that [surprising findings].

Example: It is found that there is a positive correlation between education level and income(发现教育水平和收入之间存在正相关关系). Furthermore, our findings also suggest that gender plays a significant role in career choices(我们的发现还表明性别在职业选择中起着重要作用). In addition, it is interesting to note that age does not affect job satisfaction significantly(此外,值得注意的是年龄对工作满意度的影响不大).

5. Contributions/Implications(贡献/意义):


In terms of theoretical contributions, this study validates/extends the existing literature on [topic] by [contribution]. Furthermore, the findings of this study have practical implications for [relevant stakeholders] in [specific context].

Example: In terms of theoretical contributions, this study validates the existing literature on consumer behavior by examining the impact of social media advertising on purchase decisions among young adults(在理论贡献方面,本研究通过研究社交媒体广告对年轻人购买决策的影响,验证了现有的消费者行为文献)。 Furthermore, the findings of this study have practical implications for marketing managers in developing effective advertising strategies to target the younger demographic(此外,本研究的发现对于营销经理在制定针对年轻人的有效广告策略方面具有实际意义).

6. Novelty/Value (optional)(创新性/价值-可选):


Therefore, being one of the pioneer studies on [topic], the unique value of this research lies in [novelty/value].

Example: Therefore, being one of the pioneer studies on sustainable transportation in developing countries(作为发展中国家可持续交通的先驱研究之一), the unique value of this research lies in providing practical insights and guidelines for policymakers and urban planners in promoting eco-friendly transportation solutions(在为政策制定者和城市规划师促进环保交通解决方案方面提供实际见解和指导).


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