错误:54% of our patients responded to the medication.
正确:Of all patients treated with heparin agents, 54% showed a good response.
正确:Fifty-four percent of our patients responded to the medication.
错误:All participants were self-declared fans of the U.S.A team.
错误:All participants were self-declared fans of either the U.S.A. team or the UAE team.
错误:The MWM is a test of spatial learning for rodents.
正确:The Morris water maze (MWM) is a test of spatial learning for rodents.
● 方括号和圆括号需要前后各自使用一个空格与文字分开,就好比在文中需要暂时停顿一样。
错误:The control group(recruited at the same school)was larger than the test group.
正确:The control group (recruited at the same school) was larger than the test group.
● 需要注意的是,标点符号(逗号、冒号、句号)需要紧跟在方括号或圆括号后面,不留空格。
错误:Results were analyzed according to age (except for the variable “education”) .
正确:Results were analyzed according to age (except for the variable “education”).
● 在数字与任何单位之间通常都需要留一个空格,表示角度单位的度(°)除外。
错误:The control mice measured 5cm, 6.5cm, and 8.2cm, respectively.
正确:The control mice measured 5 cm, 6.5 cm, and 8.2 cm, respectively.
● 然而,当量词作为形容词描述名词时,需要用连字符取代空格。
错误:A 5 sec interval was inserted between detection trials.
正确:A 5-sec interval was inserted between detection trials.
错误:My brother lives in Spain; on Christmas, the whole family will meet again.
正确:My brother just entered Korea University; he is majoring in clinical psychology.
正确:Birth rates have been falling for years; consequently, less and less students enter university every semester.
错误:Participants were recruited at several different locations, including the Charite Hospital ‒ the only participating institution with a specialized department in this area ‒ in Berlin, Germany, Samsung Medical Center in Seoul, Korea, and Tokai University Hospital in Tokyo, Japan.
正确:Participants were recruited at several different locations, including the Charite Hospital ‒ the only participating institution with a specialized department in this area ‒ in Berlin, Germany; Samsung Medical Center in Seoul, Korea; and Tokai University Hospital in Tokyo, Japan.
错误:Behaviour was measured with items rated on a 5-point scale, ranging from 1 = “strongly disagree” to 5 = “strongly agree”.
正确:Behaviour was measured with items rated on a 5-point scale, ranging from 1 = ‘strongly disagree’ to 5 = ‘strongly agree’.
正确:Behavior was measured with items rated on a 5-point scale, ranging from 1 = “strongly disagree” to 5 = “strongly agree”.