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  • 你用了什么研究方法?

地道表达:In this study, the chosen research methodology is...

例句:For this research, a quantitative approach utilizing surveys and statistical analysis was employed.

  • 为什么要用这样的研究方法?

地道表达:The selected methodology was deemed appropriate due to...

例句:The qualitative method was chosen to gain a deeper understanding of participants' subjective experiences.

  • 你是如何做到的?

地道表达:The procedures involved in implementing the methodology included...

例句:Data collection was carried out through structured interviews, ensuring consistency and reliability.


  • 明确研究问题: 在Methodology开始前,确保清晰明确你的研究问题。这有助于选择适当的研究方法。

  • 解释研究方法: 详细解释你选择的研究方法,并确保使用专业术语。避免过于简化,以免读者产生对你研究深度的疑虑。

  • 论证选用方法的合理性: 说明为什么选用这种研究方法,以及其他可能方法的不适用性。强调选用方法的优势和适应性。

  • 描述研究过程: 具体描述你是如何执行研究的,包括采集数据的步骤、工具和参与者的招募方式。

  • 强调可信度和有效性: 论述采取措施来确保研究的可信度和有效性,例如抽样方法、数据验证和实施的质量控制。

  • 注意方法限制: 诚实地讨论你研究方法的局限性,并提出可能的改进方案,以显示你对研究的客观性。


"In conducting this research on consumer behavior, a mixed-methods approach was employed to capture both quantitative and qualitative insights. The quantitative phase involved the distribution of structured surveys to a diverse sample, allowing for statistical analysis of purchasing patterns. Simultaneously, the qualitative component consisted of in-depth interviews with a subset of participants to explore underlying motivations and perceptions. The rationale behind this methodological choice lies in the need to provide a comprehensive understanding of consumer preferences while maintaining the statistical robustness required for generalization."
