在论文写作中,通过阅读文献,以及文献综述的写作,找到前人的research gap,这才是开始一项课题的价值。如何找到Research Gap,就是根据文献的综述你找到认为哪个方向的研究还比较欠缺或者还有待提高。
Research Gap Types
This refers to the existence of a real-timesituation but lacks correspondingtheoretical research.
Practice Gap
The disparity between practice andcognition. Experimenters did not followstandard procedures and guidelines,leading to incongruent data.
Population Gap
Whether the sampled population was fulyconsidered during sampling
Methodological Gap
Different methodologies lead to differentresearch outcomes. Previous studies mayhave used inappropriate methodologies,leading to certain issues being inadequatelyexplained.
You can identify highly cited papers in thefield by checking Essential ScienceIndicator values. This is essential forunderstanding the research status of aparticular field.On one hand,it allows youto draw insights from previous research,and on the other hand,it facilitates theidentification of research gaps,helping youto orient your own study.
need to extensively read previousliterature,including research conclusionspurposes,and methods.By doing so,youcan identify the research gap in your fieldand consequently determine the contentyou want to investigate. Before writing,it'simportant to summarize the currentacademic landscape,outlining the existingresearch limitations and the reasonsbehind the discrepancies in researchfindings.
Are the author's viewpoints or researchmethods outdated? Is there a possibility ofthem being overturned based on updatedresearch?
Are there areas in the author's researchthat could be extended or replaced (e.g,by changing the research context ormethodology)?
What other factors might influence theexperimental results? Would the resultsdiffer if the research conditions werealtered?
Are there unresolved issues? Are thereopposing viewpoints to the authors,and ifso,why?
Finally,does the author propose any futureresearch directions in the article,and howcan they be investigated?
it's essential to reiterate the researchobjectives and summarize the researchcontent. Additionally,you should articulatewhether your study has made a substantialpositive contribution to addressing theresearch gap.Regardless of the extent ofyour contribution to the Research Cap,as
long as you have advanced or discovered apreviously unnoticed problem,itconstitutes a meaningful study.