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攻克Argumentative Essay:写作指南

攻克Argumentative Essay:写作指南

攻克Argumentative Essay:写作指南

在留学生涯中,Argumentative Essay(议论文)是展示个人观点的最佳途径。然而,很多同学在如何写好Argumentative Essay方面感到困扰。本文将为大家提供一份详细的写作指南,涵盖Argumentative Essay的定义、结构和三种常见文体,助你轻松攻克这一写作任务,展现强有力的个人观点。

一、Argumentative Essay是什么?

Argumentative Essay是一种写作形式,旨在通过明确表达个人观点,提供充实的论据,并论述对立观点的不足来说服读者。这种文章的目的是使读者认同和接受作者的观点。

二、Argumentative Essay结构:

Argumentative Essay通常包含三个主要部分:引言、主体段落和结论。

  • 引言: 引出论题,提供背景信息,明确论文目的,最后提出个人观点(thesis statement)。

  • 主体段落: 分为多个段落,每个段落围绕一个主题展开论述。每个主题都需要充实的论据和事实支持,同时要解释为何这些信息支持你的观点。

  • 结论: 总结主要观点,重申个人立场,强调观点的重要性,也可以提出对未来的展望。

三、Argumentative Essay三种文体:

  • Classic Style(经典文体):


例句: "In the realm of environmental conservation, it is imperative to recognize the interconnectedness of ecosystems. The depletion of one species can trigger a domino effect, ultimately threatening the delicate balance of our planet."

  • Rogerian Style(罗杰斯文体):


例句: "While we may have differing perspectives on educational reforms, it is crucial to acknowledge the common goal we share — the improvement of our educational system. By fostering a collaborative dialogue, we can identify areas of agreement and work towards meaningful solutions."

  • Toulmin Style(图尔敏文体):


例句: "The assertion that technology has a detrimental impact on interpersonal relationships demands a closer examination. Data consistently indicates that while digital communication has its drawbacks, it also facilitates connection and collaboration on an unprecedented scale."