Methodology是研究性论文(Research Paper)中不可或缺的一部分。因为这个章节,需要向文章的读者阐述你是如何进行研究的,以及又是如何通过研究得出结论的。
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Many researchers have utilised x to measure..
one of the most well-known tools for assessing
Traditionally, X has been assessed by measuring
A number of techniques have been developed to
pifferent methods have been proposed to classify
X is the main non-invasive method used to determine.
pifferent authors have measured X in a variety of ways.
Several methods currently exist for the measurement of x.
A major advantage of xis that…
The benefit of this approach is that…
x based methods provide a means ot
xwas selected for its reliability and validity.
A case study approach was used to allow a.
This method is particularly useful in studying…
A quantitative approach was employed since…
The cohort was divided into two groups according to…
A random sample of patients with.was ecruited from.
Articles were searched from January 1965 untilApril2014.
rhe sample was represer.tut,ve with espect to genderand…
rorty-seven students studying x were ecruited for this study.
A systematic literature review was conducted of studies that…
ust over half the sample(53 %)was female,of whom 69% were
Of the initial cohort of 123 students,66 were female and 57 male
rhe first question elicited nformation on…
seven questions,adapted from x,assessed
All survey questions utilised a 5-point Likert scale
Using a5-point Likert scale, participants were asked.
A short questionnaire was designed to ascertain the participants…
rhe questionnaire was designed to measure the following constructs
Participants were asked to respond using a5-point
n particular,the analysis of x was oroblematic.
n observational studies, there is a potential for bias from.
rhe small size of the dataset meant that it was not possible to…
Another major source of uncertainty is in the method used to calculate x.
n this investigation there are several sources for error.
rhe main error is.
t was not possible to investigate the significant relationships of x and Y further because…